
Dialysis Treatment Cost in Hyderabad

We have one of the best team of dialysis doctors and nephrologists in Hyderabad, we have one of the best dialysis centre in Hyderabad.


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      What is the cost of kidney dialysis in India?

      kidney Dialysis Treatment Cost in Hyderabad

      Dialysis is a procedure to clean the blood and filter it free from toxins and other waste materials. Dialysis is also known as kidney dialysis. The 2 types of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis of which hemodialysis is most commonly used.

      Haemodialysis: A machine (artificial kidney) is used to filter the blood. The process is performed in a hospital/clinic setting several times a week. Each session of hemodialysis lasts for more than 4 hours and is usually given 3 times a week.

      Peritoneal dialysis: This lesser performed procedure makes use of the peritoneal membrane, that is the lining of the abdomen, to filter blood.

      How much does Dialysis Treatment cost in India?

      The average cost of Dialysis Treatment in India is approximately Rs. Rs 4000 to 15000. However, the prices may vary depending upon the hospitals in different cities.

      What is the average cost of Dialysis Treatment in Hyderabad?

      The cost of Dialysis Treatment in Hyderabad depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 4000  to 12000 .

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      What is the dialysis cost at Yashoda Hospitals?

      The average cost of dialysis for the general package further varies based on the type of room chosen – general, private ward, semi-private ward, cubical ward, deluxe room or super deluxe room. Talk to one of our representatives to know more about the dialysis rate for continuous and the cost for one-time dialysis.

      Yashoda Hospitals is one of the best nephrology institutes to perform dialysis on one time or regular basis. Patients with end-stage kidney disease, patients waiting for kidney transplants and those with acute kidney injury may be eligible for dialysis. Yashoda Hospitals has highly qualified, experienced kidney specialists and nephrologists who provide comprehensive services for outpatient and inpatient care, dialysis, haemodiafiltration to mention a few. The facility of online haemodiafiltration is one of its kind in Hyderabad which offers efficient and safe dialysis for septic patients. The diagnostic unit, wards and operation theatres are well equipped with the latest medical advancements and abide by international standards for the benefit of patients during the treatment and hospital stay.

      Institute of Nephrology at Yashoda Hospitals has a modern dialysis technique that provides safe dialysis services to patients with end-stage-kidney diseases. Significantly, the institute has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for Haemodialysis, Kidney transplant and post-transplant renal intensive care. It has a well-equipped pediatric and neonatal ICU. Also, the institute has the expertise to offer renal biopsies and dialysis to neonates also. The following are the treatments offered for the various kidney disorders at Yashoda Hospitals.

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